Zinc’s Top 10 Hits





Zinc is an essential mineral required by the body for maintaining a sense of smell, keeping a healthy immune system, building proteins, triggering enzymes, and creating DNA. Zinc also helps the cells in your body communicate by functioning as a neurotransmitter. A deficiency in zinc can lead to stunted growth, diarrhea, impotence, hair loss, eye and skin lesions, impaired appetite, and depressed immunity. Conversely, consuming too much zinc can lead to nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and headaches in the short term, and can disrupt absorption of copper and iron in the long term. If you have a zinc deficiency, then animal foods are better sources of zinc than plant foods. The current percent daily value (%DV) for Zinc is 15mg. Below is a list of the top ten foods highest in Zinc by common serving size, for more, see the list of high zinc foods by nutrient density, and the extended list of zinc rich foods.

#1: Seafood (Cooked Oysters)

Zinc in 100g Per 3oz (85g) Per 6 Oysters (42g)
78.6mg (524% DV) 66.8mg (445% DV) 33.0mg (220% DV)

Other Seafood High in Zinc (%DV per 3oz cooked): Crab (43%), and Lobster (41%). Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#2: Beef and Lamb (Cooked Lean Beef Shortribs)

Zinc in 100g 1 Rack of Ribs (315g) 1 Lean Ribeye Fillet (129g)
12.3mg (82% DV) 38.7mg (258% DV) 14.2mg (95% DV)

Lamb is also a good source of Zinc (%DV per 3oz cooked): Lean Foreshank (49%), Lean Shoulder (46%) and Lean Cubed Lamb for Stewing (37%). Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#3: Wheat Germ (Toasted)

Zinc in 100g Per Cup (113g) Per Ounce (28g)
16.7mg (111% DV) 18.8mg (126% DV) 4.7mg (31% DV)

Crude or Untoasted Wheat Germ is also a good source of Zinc providing 94% DV per cup:Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#4: Spinach

Zinc in 100g (Cooked) Per Cup (Cooked – 180g) 100g (Raw)
0.8mg (5% DV) 1.4mg (9% DV) 0.5mg (4% DV)

Other Green Leafy Vegetables High in Zinc (%DV per cup): Amaranth Leaves, cooked (8%), and Endive and Radiccio, raw (2%). Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#5: Pumpkin and Squash Seeds

Zinc in 100g Per Cup (64g) Per Ounce (28g)
10.3mg (69% DV) 6.6mg (44% DV) 2.9mg (19% DV)

Other Seeds High in Zinc (%DV per ounce): Sunflower (10%), Chia (9%), and Flaxseeds (8%). Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#6: Nuts (Cashews)

Zinc in 100g (Roasted) Per Cup (137g) Per Ounce (28g)
5.6mg (37% DV) 7.7mg (51% DV) 1.6mg (10% DV)

Other Nuts High in Zinc (%DV per ounce): Pine nuts (12%), Pecans (9%), Almonds (6%), Walnuts (6%), Peanuts (6%), and Hazelnuts (5%). Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#7: Cocoa and Chocolate (Cocoa Powder)

Zinc in 100g Per Cup (86g) Per Tablespoon (5g)
6.8mg (45% DV) 5.9mg (39% DV) 0.3mg (2% DV)

Dark baking Chocolate is also high in Zinc providing 85% DV per cup grated and 19% DV per 29g squareClick to see complete nutrition facts.

#8: Pork & Chicken (Cooked Lean Pork Shoulder)

Zinc in 100g Per Steak (147g) Per 3oz (85g)
5.0mg (33% DV) 7.4mg (49% DV) 4.3mg (28% DV)

Chicken is also High in Zinc providing 15% DV per cooked drumstickClick to see complete nutrition facts.

#9: Beans (Cooked Mung Beans)

Zinc in 100g Per Cup (124g) Per 3oz (85g)
0.5mg (3% DV) 0.6mg (4% DV) 0.4mg (2.5% DV)

Other Beans High in Zinc (%DV per cup cooked): Baked Beans (39%), Adzuki (27%), Chickpeas (17%) and Kidney Beans (12%). Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#10: Mushrooms (Cooked White Mushrooms)

Zinc in 100g Per Cup Pieces (156g) Per Mushroom (12g)
0.9mg (6% DV) 1.4mg (9% DV) 0.1mg (1% DV)

Other Mushrooms High in Zinc (%DV per Cup Pieces): Morel, raw (9%), Brown, raw and Portabella, grilled (5%), Oyster, raw (4%), and White, raw (2%). Four Dried Shitake mushrooms contain 8% DV and 4 raw shitake contain 4% DV. Click to see complete nutrition facts.
Read more at http://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/zinc.php#mlYCpgKdCLHDGo1o.99


Give Self Sabotage a Kick in the Rear!

Self Sabotage

Intuition is an important tool we all have access to, but it’s up to you how committed you are to developing it.  I find it priceless and have all the time in the world to get to know this best friend! Often times without realizing it and for reasons unknown, we hold ourselves back from achieving greatness or from living a more rewarding and fulfilling life.  Here is part of Laura Warnke’s latest post on self sabotage and intuition:

This is something I think we have all struggled with from time to time. I know I have in the past. We set an intention for something new to come into our lives, and wait for some sign to come to us letting us know we are on the right path.

Just tell me what to do next! Sometimes you think you don’t receive anything and other times it can seem like you are receiving intuitive information that conflicts with one another. It can be enough to get you downright confused. Unfortunately not a lot of action takes place from a point of confusion.

What you need to understand is that confusion is serving you in some manner. The land of confusion keeps us safe from dealing with perceived obstacles. Confusion can be your ego, procrastination, or fear getting in the way and it serves as a convenient means of self-sabotage.

So, here are four ways we sabotage ourselves from hearing our intuition:

  • Deservingness – We can feel as though we are not worthy of too many good things coming into our life and end up engaging in self-sabotage. We in effect push further away what it is we truly desire.
  • Denial of our True Life Purpose – We get invested in what we have created so far in our life and when that does not match our actual life purpose, we can sometimes go into a mode of denial. Perhaps you have a bunch of degrees and now they will not be as useful as they once were. You may have put a large amount of energy into working your way up the corporate ladder only to find yourself feeling empty and unfulfilled. What happens when we go into denial about what we are truly meant to do is that we feel passionless and numb. We feel stuck. That is because at soul level, we need to be aligned with our purpose. When we deny that too long, we can sink into feelings of depression.
  • Indecision – This is the feeling that the grass is always greener. One decision may appear to cut off the other option completely. We want both and we do not want to be forced to choose because that means losing out on the other option. But by not choosing, we only keep running around in circles of indecision. We instead choose indecision and that keeps us thinking we cannot hear our intuition.
  • Fear of Being Wrong or Screwing it up again – Another way we think we receive mixed messages from Spirit is having our ego get in the way. There is nothing wrong with our ego by itself. It is there to keep us safe. But when we look back on events that we deemed as failures our ego steps in and tells us that we should dump that new idea and not pursue something. You need to realize that this is just your ego trying to keep you from being hurt or disappointed. When we end up listening to that, we can easily think we are receiving mixed messages from our intuition. The key is to realize the difference between your intuitive thoughts and your ego.

To read more on Laura Warnke, please visit her useful and informative site, Intuitive Journal, and remember to set aside time to expand your intuitive skills so self sabotage doesn’t get the upper hand!


flower“The joy of Being, which is the only true happiness, cannot come to you through any form, possession, achievement, person, or event–through anything that happens.  That joy cannot come to you–ever.  It emanates from the formless dimension within you, from consciousness itself and thus is one with who you are.”

…a quote from  A New Earth, Awakening to your Life’s Purpose, Eckhart Tolle


The Joy of Being..



Steph asked that I share Robb Wolf’s, the Paleo Solution and wanted to know if we would join her on the Paleo Solution cleanse she’s starting Monday.  I immediately texted, sure why not…when Steph suggests anything concerning nutrition, I’m all ears!  In the 20 or so odd years of knowing each other, she’s always doled out the best nutritional advice.


The very next thought?  If I’m putting up something Paleo, there’s NO way I can’t give mention to our sweet cousin Arsy’s new book that just came out.  the Paleo Slow Cooker…it’s been such a hit, the first run sold out immediately!!  Congratulations Arsy on all the hard work I know went into this.  Being on the other side of the world, I keep up with her through her cute, fun and informative paleo recipe and lifestyle blog, Rubies and Radishes. Her book is sold on Amazon.  Click directly on images to buy Arsy or Robb’s book from Amazon.